Hi all 😀,
I am very Impress from the VR feeling of “Pokémon go” and I will like to make here something like Dictionary how it works for me. I am for now very impressed from the feeling 🙂 .
At the first day i catch some interesting Pokémons on the streets of Düsseldorf – Paras , Zubat , Rossana, Tauboga, Traumato.
Very nice place to catch pokemons is Nord Park in Düsseldorf with many chack points and Arena. 🙂
I recive some eags. To recive Pokemon from the eag you need to put it in a incobator and walk 5 km :). I walked just 2.5 km.
Tomorrow i fly to Bulgaria. Lets see if the game with my german arcond works there.
Have a nice day 🙂
Hi all Pokemon go friends 😀
I get back from my vacantion and start Pokémon go again. First i traveled in the Subway in Düsseldorf and Pokemon go worked not really perfect, but was ok. I catchend one Pokemon in the Subway 😀.
Later I waked at Rhine river in Düsseldorf and catch some nice Pokemons. Hier is a list of the Pokemons and some pics from the fights. 😜
Nidoran wp 97
Ibitak wp 120
Zubat wp 95
Machollo wp 177
I walked more then 5 km and recive my first pokmon from my first egg 🙂 . It is a nice Quapsel wp 79 🙂
Hi all Pokemon go hunter 😀
I get today some new and interesting for me Pokemons 🙂 They was sometimes very playful like this 🙂 Taubis wholooking after my coworker 🙂
I lost 2 pokemons over 100 wp, but I catch more then 20 others. Here is a list of the most interesting pokemons what i chatch today and some pictures. 🙂
Karpador wp 31
Raupy wp 23
Abra wp 25 ( sleeping at the river Rhine 🙂 )
Knofensa wp 42
Krabby wp 51
Tauboga wp 117
Muschas wp 35
Smogon wp 152
Nebulak wp 10
Dratini wp ??
Rossana wp ??
Goldini wp 11
I get 2 eggs and received Sandan wp 124 and Glumanda wp 148. Ftom the eggs I received pokemons with more higher wp.