macroscript Place

rollout todorsRollout “Place” width:162 height:300
groupBox Ground “Ground” pos:[16,16] width:200 height:120
button place “Place” pos:[32,114] width:88 height:16
pickButton PickGround “PickGround” pos:[32,46] width:96 height:16
label Info “NO Ground Picked” pos:[32,70] width:88 height:40
radioButtons rdo2 “Animation” pos:[145,41] width:49 height:46 labels:#(“ON”, “OFF”) default:2 columns:1

on todorsRollout open do
global ground2
global activatescript
global result
activatescript =0
global animation     = “OFF”
global directions  = 1
global Nray

local ground = 4;

on rdo2 changed stat do
if animation == “ON” then (

animation = “OFF”
print animation
set animate off

) else (

animation = “ON”
print animation
set animate on

on place pressed  do

Info.text = “” + g[1].name

for i = 1 to g.count do (

–print directions

if directions == 1 then (
Nray=(ray g[i].pos [0,0,-1])
if directions == 2 then (
–print “GOGOGOGO”
Nray=(ray g[i].pos [0,0,1])

if directions == 3 then (
Nray=(ray g[i].pos [0,-1,0])
if directions == 4 then (
Nray=(ray g[i].pos [0,1,0])
if directions == 5 then (
Nray=(ray g[i].pos [-1,0,0])
if directions == 6 then (
Nray=(ray g[i].pos [1,0,0])

result=(intersectRay ground Nray)


print result.position

if directions == 1 or directions == 2 then (
g[i].pos.z = result.pos.z

if directions == 3 or directions == 4 then (
g[i].pos.y = result.pos.y

if directions == 5 or directions == 6 then (
g[i].pos.x = result.pos.x

g[i].pos.z = result.pos.z
–print ray g[1].pos [0,0,-1]
) catch()



on PickGround picked obj do
ground  = obj
Info.text =


— Creator —-
rollout creator “Creator” width:162 height:200(

label TVName “Todor Vanov” pos:[40,40] width:88 height:40
label Datum “2012 v0.1” pos:[45,55] width:88 height:40
label Web “” pos:[35,70] width:110 height:40


— Advance Options ——-
rollout advance “Advance Options” width:162 height:300(
radioButtons rdo3 “Directions” pos:[30,35] width:84 height:62 labels:#(“-Z”, “+Z”, “-Y”, “+Y”, “-X”, “+X”) columns:2
groupBox Ground “Directions” pos:[16,16] width:100 height:90
groupBox Animation “Animation” pos:[130,16] width:86 height:90
groupBox Chaos “Chaos” pos:[16,115] width:200 height:90

button Traslation “Traslation” pos:[25,140] width:74 height:17
button Rotation “Rotation” pos:[25,160] width:74 height:17
button Scal “Scal” pos:[25,180] width:74 height:17

–global animation     = “OFF”

on Traslation pressed  do

for i = 1 to g.count do (

g[i].pos.x = g[i].pos.x + random -10 10
g[i].pos.y = g[i].pos.y + random -10 10
g[i].pos.z = g[i].pos.z + random -10 10


on Rotation pressed  do


for i = 1 to g.count do (

agal = random 0 180
rotate g[i] (angleaxis agal [0,0,1])


on Scal pressed  do

for i = 1 to g.count do (

scalQuaficent = random -2.0 2.0

scale g[i] [scalQuaficent,scalQuaficent,scalQuaficent]


on rdo3 changed stat do
print stat

if stat == 1 then (
directions = 1
if stat == 2 then (
directions = 2
if stat == 3 then (
directions = 3
if stat == 4 then (
directions = 4
if stat == 5 then (
directions = 5
if stat == 6 then (
directions = 6


— addRollout ———–
tv = NewRolloutFloater “todor” 250 530
addRollout todorsRollout tv
addRollout advance tv
addRollout creator tv
