macroScript Grouper
category: “#TodorScripts”
internalCategory: “Todor Tools”
buttonText: “Grouper”(
rollout Grupper “Group Operator” width:200 height:270
(button Open “Open” pos:[9,12] width:72 height:17
button btn4 “Close” pos:[9,36] width:72 height:17
groupBox grp1 “About” pos:[16,85] width:152 height:75
label lbl1 “Todor Vankov 20.02.2012” pos:[29,110] width:120 height:54 enabled:true
label lbl2 “Select All” pos:[130,10] width:96 height:34 enabled:true
checkbox chk2 “Checkbox” pos:[130,27] width:15 height:14
global alles = 0on chk2 changed state do
(if alles == 0 then (
actionMan.executeAction 0 “40021” — Selection: Select Al
alles = 1
) else (
alles = 0
on Open pressed do
sel = getcurrentselection()for i = 1 to sel.count do (
dada = classof sel[i]
bo = sel[i].baseObjectprint dada
if dada == Dummy then (
if isGroupHead sel[i] then (
setGroupOpen sel[i] true
on btn4 pressed do
sel = getcurrentselection()for i = 1 to sel.count do (
dada = classof sel[i]
bo = sel[i].baseObject–print dada
if dada == Dummy then (
if isGroupHead sel[i] then (
setGroupOpen sel[i] false
on Execute do
palisadeFloater = NewRolloutFloater “Supper Grupper” 200 200
addRollout Grupper palisadeFloater)